Potts and random cluster measures on locally tree-like regular graphs, with Amir Dembo and Allan Sly. Submitted.
Large deviations of the largest eigenvalue of supercritical sparse Wigner matrices, with Fanny Augeri. Submitted.
Upper tail of the spectral radius of sparse Erdős-Rényi graphs. Probability Theory and Related Fields, 187(3-4), 885–947, 2023.
Localization of eigenvectors of non-Hermitian banded noisy Toeplitz matrices, with Martin Vogel and Ofer Zeitouni. Probability and Mathematical Physics, 4(3), 477–607, 2023.
Upper tail large deviations of regular subgraph counts in Erdős-Rényi graphs in the full localized regime, with Riddhipratim Basu. Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics, 76(1), 3–72, 2023.
Sharp transition of the invertibility of the adjacency matrices of sparse random graphs, with Mark Rudelson. Probability Theory and Related Fields, 180, 233–308, 2021.
Outliers of random perturbation of Toeplitz matrices with finite symbols, with Ofer Zeitouni. Probability Theory and Related Fields, 178(3), 771–826, 2020.
Spectrum of random perturbations of Toeplitz matrices with finite symbols, with Elliot Paquette and Ofer Zeitouni. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 373(7), 4999–5023, 2020.
The circular law for sparse non-Hermitian matrices, with Mark Rudelson. The Annals of Probability, 47(4), 2359-2416, 2019.
Regularization of non-normal matrices by Gaussian noise - the banded Toeplitz and twisted Toeplitz cases, with Elliot Paquette and Ofer Zeitouni. Forum of Mathematics, Sigma, 7, E3, 2019.
Diffusion limit for the partner model at the critical value, with Rick Durrett and Eric Foxall. Electronic Journal of Probability, 23, paper no. 102, 42 pp, 2018.
Circular law for the sum of random permutation matrices, with Nicholas Cook and Ofer Zeitouni. Electronic Journal of Probability, 23, paper no. 33, 51 pp, 2018.
Invertibility of sparse non-Hermitian matrices, with Mark Rudelson. Advances in Mathematics, 310, 426–483, 2017.
Universality of the mean-field for the Potts model , with Sumit Mukherjee. Probability Theory and Related Fields, 168(3), 557-600, 2017.
Ferromagnetic Ising measures on large locally tree-like graphs, with Amir Dembo. The Annals of Probability, 45(2), 780–823, 2017.
Large subgraphs in pseudo-random graphs, with Shankar Bhamidi, Suman Chakraborty, and Andrew Nobel. Manuscript.
The evolving voter model on thick graphs, with Rick Durrett and Yuan Zhang. Manuscript.
Limiting spectral distribution of a class of Hankel type random matrices, with Arup Bose and Soumendu Sundar Mukherjee. Random Matrix Theory and Application, 4(3), 1550010, 2015.
Limiting spectral distribution of sample autocovariance matrices, with Arup Bose and Sanchayan Sen. Bernoulli Journal
, 20(3), 1234-1259, 2014.
Limiting spectral distribution of sum of unitary and orthogonal matrices, with Amir Dembo. Electronic Communications in Probability, article 69, 2013.
Limiting spectral distribution of some band matrices, with Arup Bose. Periodica Mathematica Hungarica, 63, 1, 113-150, 2011.
Balanced random Toeplitz and Hankel matrices, with Arup Bose. Electronic Communications in Probability, 15, 134-148, 2010.