Physics of Living Matter (2017)
- Prerequisites : A first course on statistical physics
- Tuesdays and Thursdays, 0945-1115 in Emmy Noether seminar room, ICTS
- Grading policy: 25% homework, 25% term paper, 25% midterm exam, 25% final exam
- Teaching assistants: Amit Kumar (RRI/NCBS) and Alkesh Yadav (RRI/NCBS)
- Instructor: Vijaykumar Krishnamurthy
24 Jan 17 : Notes and homeworks will appear behind a password protected page. Ask for the password in class.
26 Jan 17 : First homework posted
07 Feb 17 : Second homework posted
19 Feb 17 : Due date for second homework extended
19 Feb 17 : Extra class on 21st Feb and NO CLASS on 23rd Feb
20 Feb 17 : Topics for term paper projects posted
21 Feb 17 : Third homework posted
Basic phenomenology of living systems. Bionumbers. Stochastic processes. Physics of continuous matter. Sensing and signalling. Molecular motors. Active particles. Biopolymers. Membranes. Linear irreversible thermodynamics. Generalized hydrodynamics. Anisotropic fluids. Active matter. Hydrodynamics of the cytoskeleton. Biological pattern formation. Morphogenesis.
Lecture notes and Homeworks
A list of pedagogical / review papers relevant to physical biology
Bionumbers: The database of useful biological numbers
- "Applied biophysics", Thomas Andrew Waigh, (2007)
- "The Physics of Living Processes", Thomas Andrew Waigh, (2014)
- "Physical biology of the cell", 2ed, Rob Phillips et al., (2012)
- "Biophysics: Searching for Principles", William Bialek (2012)
- "Physical Principles in Sensing and Signalling", Robert G. Endres, (2013)
- "Mechanics of the cell", 2ed, David Boal, (2013)
- "Mechanics of motor proteins and the cytoskeleton", Jonathan Howard, (2001)
- "Motor Proteins and Molecular Motors", Anatoly B. Kolomeisky, (2015)
- "Biological Physics", Philip Nelson, (2013)
- "Physical Models of Living Systems", Philip Nelson, (2014)
- "Physics of Life: The Physicist's Road to Biology", Clas Blomberg, (2007)
- "Soft Condensed Matter Physics in Molecular and Cell Biology", W.C.K. Poon, David Andelman, (2006)
- "Pattern Formation and Dynamics in Nonequilibrium Systems", M Cross and H Greenside, (2009)